Follow these steps to easily connect your Speaksee Microphone Kit to the app:
Open the Speaksee app: If you haven’t downloaded the app or created an account yet, follow the steps in this article.
Enable Bluetooth: Ensure Bluetooth is enabled on your phone or tablet. Android users must also enable their location settings.
Enter the Verification Code: Enter the verification code provided with your Microphone Kit. The verification code can be found in the manual. This code can only be used once.
Turn on the Microphone Kit: Power on the base station by pressing the power button for 1 second. The lights will flash green, and once they turn blue, the device is ready for connection.
Connect the Microphone Kit: The app will scan for the Microphone Kit. Once detected, press ‘Connect’ in the app.
Confirm the Connection: Press ‘Pair’ on the pop-up request to confirm the connection. Your Microphone Kit will now automatically connect to your device every time you use it.
Ready to Use: Your Microphone Kit is now successfully paired and ready for use. Start transcription via the app.