How do you improve the performance of the Microphone Kit with a custom dictionary?

Submit your word list here: Submit glossary

Did you know that you can optimize the performance of the Microphone Kit by adding your own words to the dictionary? This is particularly useful for names, technical terms, or abbreviations that you frequently use.

By incorporating specific words, transcriptions become more precise and contain fewer errors. Your personalized vocabulary is recognized faster and more accurately, ensuring clear and consistent representation of key terms in conversations. This helps improve communication, especially in group discussions where multiple speakers are involved.

For professional applications, this offers significant advantages. In workplaces, educational institutions, and other settings where specialized terminology is common, a customized word list helps streamline conversations and reduce misunderstandings.

Adding your personal glossary is quick and easy. Simply submit your word list using the form below—it only takes a few minutes and enhances the overall transcription quality.