Use this guide to understand the different status indicators and lights on the Microphone Kit base station.
Battery Level- Battery 70-100%: All three lights are solid green.
- Battery 40-69%: The top light is off, the middle and bottom lights are solid green.
- Battery 15-39%: Top and middle lights are off, bottom light is solid green.
- Battery 10-14% (nearly empty): Top and middle lights are off, bottom light flashes green and red (3 seconds green, 150 ms red).
- Charging: When the base station is charging, one of the lights flashes white.
Microphones charging is indicated by the light staying solid white. - Battery Full: The base station is fully charged when all three lights are solid white. When the microphones are fully charged, the lights will turn off while they remain in the base station.
- Battery Low (<10%): Top and middle lights off, bottom light flashes quickly red (0.3 sec on, 0.3 sec off).
- Fatal Error: All three lights alternate quickly between red and white (0.3 sec each).
- Fully Shut Down: All lights show one red flash, then turn off.
- Bluetooth Active: All three lights flash blue slowly (2 sec on, 1 sec off).
Bluetooth Connected: All three lights are solid blue. - Software Update: All three lights are solid fuchsia.
- Update Failed: Lights flash quickly in fuchsia (0.3 sec on, 0.3 sec off).
Connected to Wi-Fi: All three lights flash slowly green (2 sec on, 1 sec off).
- Factory Reset Activated: One turquoise flash on all three lights.
- Returning to Factory Settings: All lights flash slowly in turquoise (2 sec on, 1 sec off).